CityLight Hamburg Mexikoring 15, 22297 Hamburg

CityLight Hamburg

17 Bewertungen
  • FreitagGeschlossen
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • Sonntag10:00–14:00
  • MontagGeschlossen
  • DienstagGeschlossen
  • MittwochGeschlossen
  • DonnerstagGeschlossen
CityLight Hamburg Mexikoring 15, 22297 Hamburg

Uber das Geschaft

CityLight Hamburg – CityLight Hamburg ist eine freie christliche Gemeinde. Wir gehören den weltweit vertretenen Calvary Chapel Gemeinden an. Als solche sehen wir uns, aber auch als ein Teil der ganzen Gemeinde Gottes. Deshalb ist es uns wichtig, mit den anderen „Gemeinden“ in Hamburg verbunden zu sein. Wir tun dies über das Netzwerk „Gemeinsam für Hamburg". Dennoch glauben wir, dass Gott eine spezielle Vision und Aufgabe für jede einzelne Gemeinde und jede einzelne Person bereithält. |


Rufen Sie uns an
Mexikoring 15, 22297 Hamburg


  • FreitagGeschlossen
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • Sonntag10:00–14:00
  • MontagGeschlossen
  • DienstagGeschlossen
  • MittwochGeschlossen
  • DonnerstagGeschlossen


  • Rollstuhlgerechter Parkplatz

Empfohlene Bewertungen

CityLight Hamburg
Having been brought there by a false friend who doesn't respect me already having a faith, i found myself well-received and treated like one would assume a guest to treated amongst civilized people. I was given food for my body and food for my soul with noone pestering me about my personal beliefs or even tried to change me. Twice, i visited and a few more times, i met people from the church through the person i still called my friend back then. For them, i think it didn't take long to understand that while I'm a believer, i don't believe the same as they do and that therefore their church might not be the place for me.Still, they have shown me that even during a period where i identified as a satanist based on the most common misunderstanding about luciferianism, i wasn't dehumanized and i wasn't shut out like i had been in the past by so-called christians merely for not being baptised (except for a baptist church who had already shown me once that there are churches open to me).And i have to say that showing kindness to a very confused trans woman who at the time identified as a pro-christian satanist" and understanding that in our hearts
Gerd Grimm
CityLight Hamburg
Sehr gute, persönliche und Bibeltreu Gemeinschaft
Alexandra Joy
CityLight Hamburg
A real family of believers; a place to call home
Living Life (by Lawitta Estibeiro)
CityLight Hamburg
Good..CityLight Hamburg is an independent Christian congregation. It is one of the Calvary Chapel congregations that are represented all over the world. We regard ourselves as such, but also as members of God's overall church. That is why we value our connections to different communities" in Hamburg. This is accomplished through the "Together for Hamburg" network. We believe
Diana Mares
CityLight Hamburg
Great place to study the bible verse by verse and to have fellowship.

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Mexikoring 15, 22297 Hamburg
CityLight Hamburg